Kim Brockington
Self Care
We welcome February ! A great time to get a little extra self care and some loving in. So I'm sharing with you an article I wrote for...
The Lovely Breath Meditation/ Mindfulness Blog
for more please visit
Poetry written and read by Kim Brockington as part of Keeping Theater Alive #theatre5alliance created by Dan Lauria who decided to harness together the writing talents of dozens of performers! Edited by the amazing Jeremy Fletcher click to see more performances by Dan Lauria, James Pickins Jr., Alfred Molina, Tony Shalhoub, Jodi Long, Joe Mantegna, And many more... So thrilled to be a part of this!
Certified in Mindfulness*Meditation * Yoga
Namaste' ....stay safe
1. Get Comfortable
2. Close Eyes
3. Repeat Mantra of choice 15 to 30 min a day twice a day for even more joy! Even 1 to 5 minutes of just listening to the lovely breath is enough to bring calm and more joy to your life.
Then live your life like you mean it! And watch miracles flow like water.
love and light kim brockington